The final application for the season should be performed now or anytime the ground is not frozen. Apply pelletized lime at a rate of 1 bag or 40#'s per 2000 square feet. This will raise the ph level by about a half point. Having your soil analyzed would be preferred before performing this step, however most soils in this area are acidic anyway and need lime to raise the ph. After this step the lawn should be green until we get extremely cold and it goes dormant. Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Do It Yourself Lawns III
Friday, October 23, 2009
Do It Yourself Lawns II
Part II is very simple. The second application of fertilizer should be applied in October. This application should be higher in nitrogen to focus the nutrients on the root system (eg 25-0-5 or similiar ratios). As the soil temperture cools the turf roots will begin to store carbohydrates for next spring. That's all til next month. That was easy huh!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Energy Efficient Planting
Energy efficient landscapes begin with the right plant in the right place. This can contribute to reduced heating and or cooling costs. Trees are a landscape's greatest energy savers when planted in the right place. Tall trees (eg maples,oaks) should be planted 25' from a home's southside to shade south-facing windows and the roof during the summer months when the sun is highest. Broader and shorter trees (eg crape myrtle, redbud) should be planted 20-50' from a home's east and west walls to block the morning and late afternoon sun that can also overheat a home during the summer months. This should reduce the need for air conditioning, as well as cool the air through evapotranspiration. According to the EPA a building's shaded walls may be 9 to 36 degrees cooler than unshaded walls. Studies have shown that by shading 20 percent of a home- the equivalent of planting one tree to the west and another to the south- annual savings of 8 to 18 percent may be realized. Another way to save energy is by protecting a north facing wall in winter by planting an evergreen (eg cypress,holly) windbreak. I can perform a free landscape energy audit for anyone who may be interested.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Do It Yourself Lawns
My friend Rick asked if I would write a blog series for lawn do-it-yourself types. So I agreed. I hope this is helpful to Rick and anyone else who may read it. Step #1: Late summer to early fall begin by thoroughly aerating the lawn, in addition rough up any bare patches with a rake. Next apply a slow release starter fertilizer (e.g. 14-20-14). After the fertilizer apply the grass seed, preferably a quality turf-type fescue. Finally water daily for 10-15 minutes per area to keep the seed evenly moist. This should be done until the seed germinates. Note: If you use a drop spreader make two passes in perpendicular directions to avoid striping when fertilizing. Also, use a drop spreader to apply the seed around areas that you don't want grass to grow, namely mulch beds, natural areas, gravel driveways etc.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Midlothian Masterpiece
For your viewing pleasure another Midlothian landscape installed for friends. This one was partially on a steep incline at the end of a driveway which was quite challenging. Like hiking up a mountain with shrubs and shovel in hand. Before I began the homeowners rebuilt the deck and had a beautiful stamped concrete patio and steps with landings installed. This gave me a great framework to design around. The results were better than even I expected.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Mowing Height And Frequency
Mowing turf at appropriate heights and frequencies are critical to developing dense,actively growing and healthy lawns. Turf-type fescue and bluegrass should be mowed at 3-3.5", especially as we enter the late spring and summer. This will insure the turf remains dense, which will choke out potential weeds and keep the ground more moist and cool. This results in less water usage and lower weed pressure, thereby reducing the need for weed controls.
Mowing frequency is also a critical component for healthy turf. Turf should be mowed so that no more than 1/3 of the leaf blade is removed at one time (eg turf is 4" only remove 1" leaving 3"). This may mean multiple mowings in one week during the early to mid-spring peak growth period. The "One Third Rule" will help maintain maximum root growth. If this practice is not followed turf will become stressed and sometimes have a brown cast on the leaf tips. One more important practice to follow is to mulch clippings on the lawn. This will return nitrogen stored in the leaf blade back to your lawn. You paid for the fertilizer so why not keep it where it belongs. Just be sure the clippings are sufficiently mulched and not left in piles on the lawn.
While your at it keep those blades sharpened too. Happy mowing!
Mowing frequency is also a critical component for healthy turf. Turf should be mowed so that no more than 1/3 of the leaf blade is removed at one time (eg turf is 4" only remove 1" leaving 3"). This may mean multiple mowings in one week during the early to mid-spring peak growth period. The "One Third Rule" will help maintain maximum root growth. If this practice is not followed turf will become stressed and sometimes have a brown cast on the leaf tips. One more important practice to follow is to mulch clippings on the lawn. This will return nitrogen stored in the leaf blade back to your lawn. You paid for the fertilizer so why not keep it where it belongs. Just be sure the clippings are sufficiently mulched and not left in piles on the lawn.
While your at it keep those blades sharpened too. Happy mowing!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Landscape Renovation
Here is a link to a recent landscape renovation that I completed with and for my friend, Mike. If you're ever in need of a mechanical engineer, I would highly recommend him.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
What It Costs
According to the EIA (Energy Information Administration), the cost to produce and sell gasoline to consumers includes the price of crude oil, refining costs, marketing and distribution, retail station costs and taxes. For example, in June, the average cost of a gallon of gasoline was $4.05. The breakdown was as follows: 74 percent crude oil, 9 percent refining, 7 percent marketing and distribution, and 10 percent taxes. The same month, the average price of diesel fuel was $4.68 a gallon with the cost breakdown as follows: 65 percent crude oil, 17 percent refining, 8 percent distribution and marketing and 10 percent taxes.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Composting is the transformation of organic material through decomposition into a soil-like material caled compost. Invertebrates (insects & earthworms), and microorganisms (bacteria & fungi) help transform the material into compost. Composting is a natural form of recycling, which continually occurs in nature.
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