Sunday, October 4, 2009

Do It Yourself Lawns

My friend Rick asked if I would write a blog series for lawn do-it-yourself types. So I agreed. I hope this is helpful to Rick and anyone else who may read it. Step #1: Late summer to early fall begin by thoroughly aerating the lawn, in addition rough up any bare patches with a rake. Next apply a slow release starter fertilizer (e.g. 14-20-14). After the fertilizer apply the grass seed, preferably a quality turf-type fescue. Finally water daily for 10-15 minutes per area to keep the seed evenly moist. This should be done until the seed germinates. Note: If you use a drop spreader make two passes in perpendicular directions to avoid striping when fertilizing. Also, use a drop spreader to apply the seed around areas that you don't want grass to grow, namely mulch beds, natural areas, gravel driveways etc.

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